
How to Help Your Children Excel in School

According to Gallup, 60% of American adults experience stress on a daily basis. Did you know, however, that kids in the elementary grades can suffer from stress, too?

For kids, stress can come from a variety of places. Bullying and schoolwork can be major contributors and may keep a child from succeeding at school.

As a parent, it’s tough to watch your child struggle when all you want is for them to excel in school.

The good news is that there is a lot you can do to help your child succeed. Keep reading to learn how.

Collaborate With Your Child’s Teacher

Other than you, no one is more invested in your child’s education than your child’s teacher. One of the main parts of that teacher’s job is to help students who might be struggling. Yet, it takes a team for a child to truly succeed at school. Teachers, parents, and students must work together.

Your child’s teacher may contact you if your child is having problems at school. If you suspect there is a problem, however, don’t hesitate to be the one to make contact. Set up a meeting to discuss the problem and some solutions.

If at all possible, your child should be involved in the meeting, too. If kids buy into whatever solutions are put on the table, there is a much better chance for success.

Be Involved at Home and at School

Your child should know that you’re interested in everything that’s going on in their elementary classes. Take time every day to ask your child about how school is going. This can be done in the car on the way home or at dinnertime, whenever you have your child’s full attention.

Celebrate successes and talk through any issues they’re having. Kids can hold on to every little thing that happens at school—good and bad—so having a venue to share those is important.

There are so many ways you can get involved at school. Sign on to be a classroom parent or helper. Attend school events. Go on field trips. Your involvement demonstrates to your child that school is as important to you as it is to them.

Time for Homework

Homework is a valuable tool for practicing skills and offering parents a window into what kids are working on in class.

Many experts believe homework should be about 10 minutes per grade level (10 minutes for Kindergarten/1st grade, 20 for 2nd grade, etc.). Be sure to set aside the appropriate amount of time each day for your child’s homework and stand by to assist, if needed.

If your child struggles with their homework, this is a sign you should contact your child’s teacher to see what steps can be taken. Perhaps these are skills that are a problem at school, too.

Alternatives: When It Isn’t Working

So you’ve met with your child’s teacher and a variety of strategies were put in place to help your struggling child. What if nothing works? It may be time to explore some alternatives.

A private school with smaller classes might be the key. Or you might want to try a different type of program, perhaps a Montessori school.

What is a Montessori school, and how is it different? A Montessori program allows students to explore the world around them and learn at their own pace. Children participate in hands-on activities and collaborative play with Montessori-trained teachers as guides.

Be sure to involve your child when making a decision to switch things up. Easing them into a change will encourage their success.

Your Child Can Excel in School

Being an active participant in your child’s learning can go a long way in helping them excel in school. Letting them know you’re on their side is a powerful message to send. With your support, a child who is having a hard time can turn things around for the better, and school can become a joy.

Be sure to check out our blog for more tips on parenting your child.

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